The truth is that waxing is nothing like getting a facial! That's why I try to make it as fast and painless as possible! (most first-time brazilian clients tell me that they had expected it to be much more painful!)
Here are some tips for making your waxing experience less painful:
- Trim! Trim! Trim! (I recommend using a bikini trimmer in the shower)
- Plan your waxing appointment 2 weeks prior or after your monthly
- Regular waxing makes waxing less painful! Book every 3-6 weeks!
Take Advil 30-45 minutes prior to waxing appointment
What you should know:
Hair growth must be a little longer than a 1/4" in length or have 2 to 3 weeks of hair growthfor an ideal waxing result.
Accutane, Retin-A or antibiotics, cause skin sensitivity. Accutane users must wait 6 months after the last dose before waxing. Retin-A users must wait 6 weeks after the last use before waxing.
A rash or bumpiness may appear. In most cases, this should subside in 24 – 48 hours. A light cortisone topical ointment may be applied after waxing and will aid with the irritation and healing.
Your skin may not feel totally smooth with the first waxing. Hair grows in three cycles so the first waxing may not catch all stages of hair growth.After a routine waxing schedule has been established your hair will then begin to come in at the same rate softer, smoother and usually somewhat diminished.
Ingrown hairs are can be reduced with the use of a topical ingrown hair product. When applied topically every day, along with a light mechanical exfoliation daily in the shower followed by moisturizer you can significantly reduce ingrown hairs.
Newly waxed skin is more sensitive to the sun and will burn easily when exposed to the sun or indoor tanning shortly after receiving a service. I recommend a waiting period of 24 hours before sun bathing or indoor tanning after waxing.
*These guidelines have been set forth so you may receive the most beautiful results possible.